United States Holocaust Memorial Museum  /  Deadly Medicine

This book documents the changing role of German scientists from legitimate researchers to Nazi collaborators during the 1930s and 1940s.

  • Front cover shows a vertical band of photographs of eyes and a measuring tool with pincers that contain the title treatment.
  • Title page shows the same instrument with title treatment on a two page spread of white.
  • The Table of contents features a black and white photo of a man front-facing and in profile, and a trio of flowers.
  • A chapter opener shows a balck and white photograph of the roll call of Jewish men newly arrived at Buchenwald.
  • A page detail shows grid lines and hand drawn folios evoking a scientist’s notebook.
  • Measuring tools used by Nazi anthropologists to determine an individual’s “racial” origins.
  • The “Sterilization Book with Photos” from a German psychiatric clinic is reproduced showing numbered photographs of victims.
  • Grid-lined pages with a leader lines labeling a photograph of a white man in a lab coat is reminiscent a scientist’s notebook.

Other projects completed for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum include:

Cover of the Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk shows a detail from The Battle of the Warsaw Ghetto from 1945.

The Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk


The cover of the Nazi Ideology catalogue shows thumbnail photographs behind the title treatment on a black background.

Nazi Ideology
