“Waves of Color” Stamp chosen for this year’s “Justified: AIGA Design Competition”

This summer a jury of renowned designers, chaired by Clement Mok, reviewed nearly 300 entries for this year’s “Justified: AIGA Design Competition.” The jury selected 14 case studies that best explain the design process, the role of the designer and the project’s effectiveness.

Studio A is proud to announce the “Waves of Color” stamps, designed with Michael Dyer, are among the 14 selected.

Read more about the competition, read judges comments and see the other selections at aiga.org/case-study-waves-of-color/

Waves of Color Stamps

Classic Correspondence Kit

Thanks Neenah Paper! Yesterday their blog mentions a fun project we did for them and the Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum! neenahpaperblog.com/2013/11/delve-with-delight-into-the-classic-correspondence-kit/

Bonus: If you look at the bottom of the left hand column, there’s a link to a video Design Army did for Neenah. Very cool!

Classic Correspondence Kit