Oak Spring Garden Foundation  /  Paul and Bunny Mellon: Visual Biographies

This book chronicles Paul and Bunny Mellon’s deep interest in trompe l’oeil paintings, and highlights the work covering the walls of her greenhouse.

  • Book cover with a detail of a trompe l'oeil painting showing shelves with various items including books and a cup.
  • Frontispiece shows a trompe l'oeil painting of paper pinned to a wall with an illustration of a tree. At right, the title page.
  • The table of contents is juxtaposed against a black and white photograph of Paul and Bunny Mellon sitting on a stoop with their dogs.
  • Section opener features a trompe l'oeil painting detail with flowers and a butterfly.
  • Internal spread shows a spread from an illustrated manuscript and a detail of a page with a drop cap “O”, calligraphy, and a decorative border with flowers.
  • Spread shows painted maquettes of proposed paintings for the greenhouse walls.
  • Spread with closed gatefold shows wall of trompe l'oeil painting and details.
  • Spread with open gatefold reveals wall of trompe l'oeil painting and explanatory text.

Other projects completed for the Oak Spring Garden Foundation include:

Cover features a botanical drawing of a flower with red petals.

Rory McEwen: A New Perspective on Nature


The Royal Lessons


Oak Springs Garden Foundation

Booklet Guide

The Fabrics of Life

Exhibition Brochure