Jewish Museum of Maryland /  Scrap Yard: Innovators of Recycling

A collaboration with Alchemy Studio, this exhibition tells the story of immigrants who achieved economic and social mobility through the collection and sale of discarded items.

  • Section opener with an image a junkyard, the title treatment, introductory text, pullquotes, and photographs with captions.
  • A visitor interacts with an audio interactive that has examples of music that reference the work of scrap haulers.
  • Sidebar panel features an interactive of metal objects that may or may not be manipulated by magnets.
  • The role of scrap during WWII has an object case that features the boardgame “Get In The Scrap”
  • How the panels of the exhibition introductory sections are laid out to see how a visitor might navigate the show.
  • In this interactive, a young visitor determines her value in different types of scrap by stepping on a large scale.